Student loans are almost a normal part of paying for college and an ACS student loan is just one of the many types of student loans that have become available to individuals seeking a college education. When you are looking for education financing your first option should be free money, such as; grants and scholarships, but in most cases these methods of paying for college will not cover the full cost of your education. It is then that you will have to research student loans. An ACS student loan is a school loan that is administered by Affiliated Computer Services, Inc., an organization that is recognized for outsourcing business and technology solutions.
Many universities choose to use ACS student loans because of their ease of use. These loans offer the latest in technology, such as; being able to view your account, make payments, receive email notifications and change personal information by going online. ACS student loans are more about the way the loan is administered than what type of loan it is.
Some of the following are part of the ACS student loan family: ? Campus Based Student Loan Program (CBSL), which includes the Federal Perkins Loans, Nursing Student Loans (NSL). ? Federal Family Education Loan Program (FFEL), which includes the Stafford Loans (GSL) ? PLUS Loans ? Some loans sponsored by private companies ? Consolidation of direct student loans So as you can see, there are a lot of choices when it comes applying for an ACS student loan. To get started, you will have to fill out the FASFA and the rest can be done from the ACS website. If you have student loans that need consolidated, that can also be done through the ACS website. If your ACS student loan is also a government loan you will also have the normal benefits that go along with federal loans: ? Deferred payments ? Deferred interest in some cases ? A low fixed interest rate ? Tax deductible ACS student loans are among the most popular loans for education and it is easy to see why. They offer easy of management, variety of loan types and all the benefits of government loans.
If you are getting ready to go to college or have a child that is in school, you will no doubt be researching student loans at sometime in the future. ACS student loans should be high on your list of funding choices, somewhere behind grants and scholarships.
Find out more about ACS student loans and register to win a $10,000 scholarship.